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Market Predictions

Track record of market predictions.

All corrections include downfall in Sensex points and within how many days
during various economic events.


Sensex Down Days Sensex Down Days
US Sovereign Debt Crisis 26-Mar-10 1484 56 1685 60
Eurozone Crisis 31-Dec-10 1891 48 3214 42
Corruption Scandals Erupt 05-Aug-11 1359 8 1541 21
India's High Trade Deficit 19-Apr-12 1055 79 1657 34
FDI Policy Reversal 05-Jul-12 828 69 941 52
Taper Tantrum 19-Jul-13 2390 40 2390 33
Fragile Five 13-Dec-13 1063 38 534 53
RBI's Fight Against Inflation 01-Sep-14 1126 107 935 45
Government Reform Push 28-Nov-14 1191 107 2225 19
India's GDP Moderation 16-Apr-19 2321 80 2319 28
Corona Pandemic 19-Dec-19 4142 48 15692 88

Market corrections, capitulations or clear exits are results of many factors including human behaviour on which we exercise best efforts. Any numbers do not represent any opportunity whether known or unknown and past history is no indicator or guarantee of future results.